Love Story of Anjali Tendulkar And Sachin Tendulkar


Though the romantic love story of Sachin with his wife Anjali is a great one, only a few people know about it. The ignorance of the public about this and other interesting things in Sachin’s personal life is mainly explained by the fact that he is rather shy about discussing his personal life with the media. The relationship of Sachin and Anjali is a very loving and inspiring one and if Sachin is shy to share it let us do this good deed.


Sachin and Anjali’s love was sort of love at first sight. They first encountered each other at the Mumbai international airport in 1990 when Sachin was returning from his first-ever international cricket tour and Anjali came to the airport to receive her mother. At the airport, they took an instant liking to each other, and later they met again at a common friend’s place where they got to know each other better. Initially, Anjali Tendulkar didn’t know a thing about cricket and was not even aware of who Sachin Tendulkar was.  



Love Blossoms during Dating and Their Adventurous Courtship Days

Sachin Tendulkar, Wife Anjali and Daughter Sara Tendulkar

Also Read: Lessor Known Facts About Sara Tendulkar, Age, Boyfriend, Education


When Sachin first met Anjali, she was practicing medical and used to be a very dedicated student. Anjali was much involved in her studies and had very little interest in cricket. But when they started dating, Anjali made tremendous efforts to acquaint herself with cricket.


Sachin was very famous from the very beginning of his career and so he had to face considerable difficulties in going out with Anjali on dates. In an interview with a local magazine, Anjali recalls how once Sachin had to wear a false beard and specs so that he could see cinema with Anjali and a few common friends without being interrupted by his fans. However, Sachin’s specs fell during the interval of the film and his fans recognized him causing him to leave the cinema hall.

Sachin Tendulkar & Anjali Love-Story


When Sachin and Anjali decided to get engaged, Sachin was in New Zealand. So, Anjali had to break the news of their engagement to Sachin’s family. Anjali also shared that when she first went to Sachin’s house, she had to disguise herself as a journalist.


Sachin Tendulkar & Anjali Love Affair


After dating each other for five years, Sachin and Anjali married on May 24, 1995. Anjali is six years older than Sachin, but this age gap has never been a matter of concern for them. They even claim that this age gap has helped them to become more committed and understanding towards each other.


Anjali talked about her strong bond with Sachin Tendulkar in an interview:

Sachin Tendulkar & Anjali Love Story

“I’ve not known any other person in my life except Sachin. I understand him so well. So whether I am his girlfriend or his wife, it’s the same thing, just an extension of that bond.”


Anjali’s love for Sachin and their family

Sachin and Anjali Tendulkar became parents of a girl on October 12, 1997, and named her, Sara Tendulkar and on September 24, 1999, they welcome their baby boy, Arjun Tendulkar. After the birth of children, Anjali left her career of being a successful pediatrician to take care of children and Sachin. She says that it was her choice to leave her career and she has never felt any regrets about her decision.

Sachin Tendulkar & Anjali Love Marriage

With regard to leaving her career, Anjali said in an interview that she couldn’t be married to Sachin at all and had a full-time career. Anjali decided to be at home parenting the kids while Sachin played international cricket breaking records and making new ones. Anjali added that she took a decision that she never regretted in her life.


In addition to this, Anjali is totally devoted to Sachin’s cricketing career and one of his biggest fans in the world. She mentioned in an interview that she always watched Sachin’s innings in all the matches.

Sachin Tendulkar & Anjali Love Life
Sachin Tendulkar, Anjali Tendulkar at Akash Ambani & Shloka Mehta engagement party in Antalia in mumbai on 28th June 2018 shown to user

Even though Sachin used to travel a lot when he was representing India in International cricket, he managed his professional and personal lives well. He used to celebrate all the festivals with his family and went on family vacations. He mentioned that when he was unavailable for a special occasion, his wife Anjali is very understanding and handles the situation.


Sachin is also well aware of the sacrifices that Anjali has made for him and his career. Sachin has always acknowledged Anjali as his biggest support system. Sachin and Anjali Tendulkar set an example of a committed marriage and their love story is extremely inspiring to young couples. We wish all the best to our Cricket God and his understanding wife.


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Avid blogger, reader and cricket fan. I write about how to, lifestyle and entertainment.


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