The Best Color Combination Cheat Sheet for You


Colors are everywhere and everything has a color to represent. Our world is filled with colors and these colors are based on the mental and emotional effects of the people around us. Colors are even associated with emotions and it can influence person’s mental and physical state.


Color plays a very important role in the atmosphere and emotion and the feel of a place. Check out the pictures and Imagine if the colors were vanished from them. Then what is going to happen in this beautiful and amazing world?

Color Combination Cheat SheetColor Combination Cheat Sheet

Color Combination Cheat Sheet Color Combination Cheat Sheet

All Copyright © 2018. Photographs by Roshan Dibya Ranjan.


Writing on colors is done all the way from history and when it comes to the world of designing, the combination of colors gives the world a platform to create something beautiful. Colors play a huge role to perceive the world and also they have the ability to evolve emotions and trigger certain reactions. We all love colors and colors to make our lives fascinating.


Color Combination Cheat Sheet Color Combination Cheat Sheet Color Combination Cheat Sheet


‘There are infinite shades of color.

Writing often appears so black and white.’


Want to know some amazing facts about Color Combination Cheat Sheet? Here we go.

Color Terms Chart

  •    Hue

It is a traditional pure color in terms of green, red and magenta. Technically, hue can define the color perception which can be used to communicate with color ideas.

  •   Saturation

It is a color term usually used by imaging experts to determine a certain color and its intensity; and influences the grade of purity or vividness of a color/image. Saturation is the relative strength or weakness of a color.

  •    Shade

A shade is a color term used for mixing result of an original color with black. A shade is darker than the original color which is made by adding varying amounts of black to the pure hue.

  •    Tint

A tint is a mixing result of an original color to which white is added. It’s always lighter than the original color made by adding varying amounts of white to the pure hue.

  •    Color Value

The color value is used to determine the relative lightness or darkness level of a color. To lighten or darken a shade of original hue, change its color value. It is an important tool to create spatial illusions.


The Psychology of Color

Color psychology defines how different colors do affect our perception.

  •    Red: Increases physical energy, excitement level, boldness, stamina, stability, passion.
  •    Blue: Increases calmness, trust, love, strength, kindness; dependable and emotional.
  •    Yellow: Increases fun, personal power, eye-catching, optimism, warmth, and clarity.
  •    Green: Increases growth, hope, peacefulness, cheerfulness, joy, and friendliness.


Colors play a very crucial role in our life; that’s why while choosing colors for ourselves we are always subconscious. Colors actually boost up the world around us by implying certain color notions like red for danger, white represents peace, the wire is extremely colorful to notify different symbols and even colors of the wires are also specified in legal documents of some jurisdiction. There is a different color cheat sheet for DSLR photography, interior décor, fashion designers, and bloggers. But our ultimate color cheat sheet will provide an infinite variety of color that it can do everything to influence the world by combining the colors to create something amazing and beautiful.


The Ultimate Color Wheel

The Ultimate Color Wheel


Different types of Color Combination


A Complementary Combination

A Complementary Combination

A complementary color combination is formed by the two colors that sit opposite to each other in the color wheel. These colors are enemies of each other and their contrast is very powerful. The combination of such colors gives a vivid and energizing effect with maximum saturation but sometimes it might hurt the eyes of the viewers due to high visual tension.


The Triad Combination

The Triad Combination

The triad combination is a proposal for selecting three colors by setting 120-degree angle between them in the color wheel and they must be equidistant from each other. These colors produce a strong equilibrium with high contrast while preserving the peace and harmony of the environment. These color combination usually produce pale and unsaturated colors.


An Analogous Combination

An Analogous Combination

An analogous combination is a mix of two or more (maximum of 5) colors together that are adjacent to each other in the color wheel. They create a calm and peaceful effect. These colors generally put a likable impression on others.



The Split Complementary Combination

The Split Complementary Combination

The split complementary color combination is a variation of one primary color and two complementary colors to create a little less intense effect with different vibrant colors. The complementary colors are equidistant from the primary color.


The Tetrad Combination

The Tetrad Combination

The tetrad is the combination of four colors; two colors are adjacent to the color wheel and other two are opposite to them. This combination produces very impressive and attractive colors. They create a playful and colorful effect highlighting all the accents.



The Square Combination

The Square Combination

The square combination is a mixture of four colors that are equidistant to each other in color wheel. These colors usually differ in terms of tone, but they create a dynamic and amazing effect. The colors are even complementary to each other.


Finding and implementing a correct color combination is one of the most important things in selecting and designing a stylish and holistic look for your clothes and interior décor.


Avid blogger, reader and cricket fan. I write about how to, lifestyle and entertainment.


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