Most Dangerous Tourist Destinations In The World


“LIVE WITH NO EXCUSES AND TRAVEL WITH NO REGRETS” if this is what you live by and adventure and thrill is what feeds your soul then the places enlisted below are just the right ones for you!


1. Death Valley USA

Ever wondered what it feels like to be in oven? Well you can get the slight hint here. This place named after California gold seekers who had to cross the desolate wasteland in order to reach the gold fields in 1849 is one of the hottest places on earth to exist from its temperature hiking as much as 56.7 °C. It is located on the border or California and Nevada, with Las Vegas only two hours away. No matter how tough and enduring you are, the blazing sun will definitely make you exhausted and drained quickly. It’s been said that a human can survive only for 14 hours in Death Valley (one of the Most Dangerous Tourist Destinations) without water.


Death Valley USA - Most Dangerous Tourist Destination
Death Valley USA

dangerious places to visit in world

A Day in Death Valley


2. Lake Natron, Tanzania

Does it not look like a galaxy embedded in water? Hold on! Don’t get wooed just as soon this lake has the ability to turn living organisms into stones that aren’t adapted to it due to its high ph of 10.5. This alkalinity comes from high concentration of sodium carbonate and other toxic minerals which flow from surrounding hills. Sodium carbonate was also used for Egyptian mummification. Swimming in this lake is strictly prohibited for obvious reasons. Someone has rightly said “it’s not always what it looks like”.


Lake Natron Tanzania - Most Dangerous Tourist Destination
Lake Natron Tanzania – Most Dangerous Tourist Destination


3. Rock Preikestolen, Norway

This place is definitely not for acrophobic. It is one of the most popular destinations in Norway. Its located 604m above the sea level and best time to visit is from April to October, during winters it becomes very difficult to hike due to snow and ice which makes the trail extremely slippery. It was formed by enormous rocks being carried away by glaciers. The trekking is the not the difficult part here but gathering the courage is because of its intimidating yet beautiful appearance. The beauty on the way up is definitely worth the risk.

Rock Preikestolen Norway-2 - Most Dangerous Tourist Destination
Rock Preikestolen Norway – Most Dangerous Tourist Destination

Rock Preikestolen Norway - Most Dangerous Tourist Destination


4. Tsingy, the stone knife Forest, Madagascar

Its name, ‘Tsingy’ translates as ‘where one cannot walk’. In spite of its cold and deadly appearance these high spiked towers of eroded limestone are home to several species of fauna. This forest extends for 230 square miles. More than 100 species of bird have also been recorded as living in the park, along with 45 species of reptile.

Tsingy the stone knife Forest Madagascar Tsingy the stone knife Forest Madagasca Tsingy the stone knife Forest Madagascar-2 - Most Dangerous Tourist Destination


5. Gouffre Berger Cave, France, also called “The Cave of Death”

It’s a world within a world. It is more than 1200m deep and has its own lake inside. This cave turns into a fatal trap and water level rises very quickly. There have been several deaths due to tsunamis, hurricanes, storms and floods. This place is only for brave hearted as it’s an all in one adventure on its own. Its one of the most Dangerous Tourist Destinations in world.

Gouffre Berger Cave France Dangerous Tourist Destinations


6. Mali

You might survive the extremities of nature but how about danger from fellow beings? The risk of terrorist attack is extremely high in Mali’s capital Bamako and other parts as well. Hotels and resorts are often the targets for these attacks. Mali was recently listed as one of the most Dangerous Tourist Destinations.



7. Hua Shan, China

8. Mount Everest

Also read: Worlds Best Places To Travel Once In Your Life


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