Hotel Etiquette: 12 Do’s and Don’ts for Guests


When staying at a hotel, guests generally anticipate a range of services and amenities. Nevertheless, creating a pleasant experience is the responsibility of not just the hotel staff but also the guests. The benefit of staying in a hotel is that you are relieved of your usual household duties. However, that does not imply you should disregard courtesy.

It is said that if you approach hotel staff members with a very positive outlook, you will receive an extraordinarily good response. There are some fundamental hotel etiquette guidelines you should always abide by as a guest staying in a hotel.

Hotel Etiquette dos & donts
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1. Being polite when interacting with the hotel staff

Most hotels say that the guests occasionally carry forward the effects of travel anxiety at the check-in counter. However, how you appear and behave when you enter the hotel can determine how the rest of your stay will be.

While some visitors believe that complaining results in upgrades or favours, it is essential to be polite and respectful to obtain some benefits. Being nice pays off in spades. There will be staff members who are delighted to see you and to assist you.

They most often do more for you, which is mainly because you treat them nicely. Guests with a positive attitude get the most.

2. Remember to check out or check in on time

Timing is crucial, particularly when entering or leaving your hotel room. You may arrive earlier than anticipated and want to check in ahead of the schedule or you need extra time to pack and check out.

Even while some hotels have lenient policies with respect to late checkout and early check-in, you should never presume that it is acceptable to do so. Most likely, there were other travellers to accommodate after or before your visit. If you are unable to meet the check-in or check-out schedule, speak to the hotel staff.

3. Where you find it appropriate, tip

You ought to tip some hotel employees though it differs from nation to nation. If you choose to leave a tip for the hotel staff’s services, they will be grateful, unless you’re visiting a place where it’s not customary to do so. For instance, it includes the parking valet, the doorman, and the cleaning crew.

It is crucial to tip hotel housekeepers because the work is physically and mentally taxing and is really difficult. Leaving a tip for the wait staff and concierge at a hotel is also a practice in some countries.

4. Hang up reusable towels

In hotels, proper towel usage is expected. When you finish your shower and want to reuse your towel, hang it in the lavatory. Place the used towels in a pile on the floor to alert housekeeping that they need to be replaced.

Hang up reusable towels
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Reusing towels while staying in hotels is a smart idea as well. Since most people use towels a few times before grabbing a new one at home, hotels can follow the same policy.

5. Dress adequately in public spaces

Visitors, most often, go about in swimsuits, wardrobes, and sandals or even barefoot in a seaside hotel. On the other hand, it is generally anticipated that hotel visitors will be adequately attired.

This implies you shouldn’t wear the hotel’s provided robe and slippers to the continental breakfast. However, you may have to use the lift and travel through public areas to get to your room. Please carry a change of clothing or a wraparound out of care for others.

6. Know the items you can take

Most hotels don’t mind if you take the bottles of body lotion and shampoo or the notepad. Though the hotel will not necessarily charge you for taking some items like laundry bags, washcloths, shoeshine bags, and hangers, they should remain in the room.

Nonetheless, some typical things like towels, bathrobes, and hair dryers are off-limits. If you have them, you will have to pay a high price.

7. Avoid making noise that disturbs others

When you stay at a hotel, you are not the only one despite being on vacation. It is crucial to be mindful of and considerate of other guests. There may be different regulations at other hotels. For instance, college students on a holiday trip are unlikely to remain quiet when compared to families on vacation.

However, hotel guests should normally endeavour to reduce the noise level to a minimum in the night and morning, until 9 a.m. That holds both inside hotel rooms and while navigating the corridors.

8. Elevator etiquette is important

When in a hotel, most guests do not follow elevator etiquette. It is always sensible and courteous to wait for those inside the lift to exit before entering. Rushing to the board will always come across negatively.

Likewise, it is advisable to wait for the next lift if the elevator is full rather than cramming in. You just have a short ride, and it will make others in the lift uncomfortable.

9. Keep your children in check

Parents who are travelling with kids should be conscious of the guests around. With families, you can expect children to make a lot of noise. However, it is crucial to ensure that little children aren’t making a scene. Wandering kids often put themselves in danger because a hotel is probably an unfamiliar place. Thus, keep the children nearby and calm.

10. Keep the shower door closed

It can make the fire alarm set off, as well as the smoke detector. The reason for this is the shower’s steam.

11. Don’t take much food at breakfast

The complimentary breakfast that comes with your hotel stay is typically intended for all the guests. That means you ought to refrain from throwing the entire platter of croissants on your plate.

It is acceptable to pick up a muffin, an apple, or any other snack to have it before the meal. Other people may eat more but avoid having everything. Of course, a lot depends on the breakfast and the hotel that provides this.

12. Make cleaning around simple

Try not to complicate their job by leaving things lying around, if the cleaning staff often cleans your room. To make it easier for personnel to enter, straighten up, and leave on time, have your things like makeup, devices, and clothing more organised.

This can also prevent any of your belongings from unintentionally being thrown away with the towels that housekeeping is changing.

The majority of hotel protocol requirements are common sense. Hotels are like your home regardless of how long you stay there.

Trisha Oberoi
Trisha Oberoi
I turned my can'ts into can's and dream into plans and things begin to change. Trisha, an accomplished writer who brings a unique blend of creativity and expertise to the world of entertainment, fashion, and lifestyle. With a deep passion for these subjects, Trisha has established themselves as a prominent voice in the industry. She allure readers with their insightful perspectives and engaging storytelling.


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