Fun Activities for a Rainy Day


The rain is pouring down, it’s chilly outside, and you are stuck at home and bored out of your mind. Usually, you seem to know exactly what to do to keep you and your family entertained but the rain today has put a serious spanner in the works. You’re longing for sunny, open blue skies and warm beaches, but mother nature has decided today is the day the garden is finally getting a lovely watering. Don’t stress, though, from online bingo to building pillow forts, we’ve come up with a list of super fun activities for you to do on a rainy day.


1. Play your favorite online games

If you like complex games full of quests and missions or if you are a fan of the more simple games, like online bingo, playing games online is a great way to pass the time and keep your brain stimulated while it’s raining cats and dogs outside. Grab a comfy seat, whip out your computer or phone and get gaming. An added bonus is that, if you’re playing online, you often play in a community with other players. This can help you form new friendships and feel less isolated.

2. Set up camp in your sitting room

We love this idea. Whether you are on your own, with a partner, or have family around, setting up camp in the lounge is a great way to pass the time on days like this. You can choose to build a pillow fort, a bed sheet hideout, or even set up a two-man tent to tuck yourself away in.

3. Create reels for your Instagram account

Have you ever been endlessly scrolling through reels on Instagram and thought to yourself, “I could totally do this?” Well, now is your chance. Save some of your favorite audios and get started on the filming. Who knows, this could be the beginning of your fantastic career as an Instagram influencer. Whether you love dancing, comedy, or sharing your knowledge, Instagram reels are a fun and incredibly productive way to pass the time when you are stuck inside.

4. Whip out the old board games

Since the internet became a thing, board games have slowly been fading out of the general public’s memory. There is still a place in our hearts for them and we love to whip them out at times like this. Not only is this a fun and stimulating activity to keep you and your family busy, but it is also a fantastic way to bond. There is nothing better than having a good laugh while becoming increasingly competitive.

Whip out the old board games
via – unsplash


5. Brave the weather and visit the bowling alley

If you are brave enough to peek outside and face the weather, we’d suggest you head over to your local bowling alley. Bowling is a fun way to keep active, even when you can’t exercise outside. Move your body, spend time with friends and family, and have a change of scenery. To us, spending a rainy day at the bowling alley is a win-win scenario for anyone who can’t stand to spend another second inside the house.

6. Complete at-home workouts on YouTube

For those of you who are craving to get some exercise, but aren’t willing to pull on your thickest coat and face mother nature’s fury, try an at-home exercise routine. YouTube is full of thousands of workouts to suit your exact fitness level and preferred style of exercise. If you are looking for something particularly fun, we would suggest starting a dance-based workout that’s high intensity and fun lovers association approved.

7. Have a movie marathon

Is exercise not really your thing? No stress we have you covered. Cozy up on your couch with a cup of hot cacao and a fluffy blanket and flip the switch on the television. Whether you love rom coms, action, or adventure there is sure to be a movie or series that will tickle your fancy and keep you and your family entertained for hours. Movie marathons on bleak weather days are the best.

movies on netflix
via – unsplash


8. Take an online class

If you’d rather stimulate your brain than switch off and relax, taking an online class is the perfect activity for you to do when it’s wet outside. If you love cooking, baking, art, science, maths, knitting, photography, or anything else, we guarantee that you’ll be able to find the perfect class. If you are on a tight budget, apps like Alison, Google Primer, and Udemy are great for beginners. If you’d like to invest in deeper knowledge, consider SkillShare, or Masterclass.

We are so privileged to be living in a time where our lives don’t necessarily revolve around being outdoors. Many of us are in a position where we can easily complete our work from home and have access to the internet from the comfort of our couch for our enjoyment and entertainment. With all these tools at our fingertips, we just need to open ourselves up to creativity and we’ll never be bored again. Even when the heavens have opened up outside.

Soha is a poet, writer, and traveler. She loves to read about entertainment, DIY tips, and Home improvement.


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