Black Lives Matter Protest Highlights


Black Lives Matter is an international human rights movement, originating from within the African-American community, which campaigns against violence and systemic racism towards black people.

A Moment of Silence for George Floyd

Eight minutes, 46 seconds. That’s how long a police officer kept his knee on George Floyd’s neck. George Floyd struggled, pleading for his life: “I can’t breathe,” until he drew his final breaths, calling for his mother.


Black Lives Matter Raised Fist

A Bold Black Lives Matter Statement Transforms a Street Leading to the White House in Washington D.C.

Black Lives Matters Road Painted
© Nadia Aziz

Thousands of people in Philadelphia continue to protest racism and police brutality following the death of George Floyd. Crowds in Center City stretched from the steps of the Art Museum and past the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul.

Marriage at a Protest in Philadelphia

Black Lives Matter Hawaii Protest

black lives matter
black lives matters hawai protest
black lives matters hawai protest

Black Lives Matter Australia Protest

Black Lives Matters Protect at Richmond, the capital of Virginia

People Gathered Outside the White House

Avid blogger, reader and cricket fan. I write about how to, lifestyle and entertainment.


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