11 People Who Changed The World For Better


Here we are going to talk about people who changed the world for the better. Who do you consider the most inspirational person of all time? Martin Luther King Jr.? Nelson Mandela? There have been many great historical figures that have shaped the world down the ages, and it would be very difficult (if not impossible) to pick those whose impact on the happenings in the world was greatest. Yet, we gave it a try and compiled this post with some of the most inspirational people of all time. Some of them are famous, some of them are rather unknown, but all of them have one thing in common – they changed the world.


From Charles Darwin to Dalai Lama, here are 11 people that changed the world for better:-



11. Abraham Lincoln – 12 February 1809

Abraham Lincoln The One Who Changed the world - People who have made a difference in the world
Abraham Lincoln – via

Lincoln was born on 12 February 1809. He lost his mother at an early age and his father left him. Hence, Lincoln had to do a number of manual labor. He had a thirst for knowledge and this led him to become a self-learned lawyer. He was a person who changed the world with his ideas and actions. He didn’t want slavery to spread. He played a very important role in ensuring that the Union survived its greatest challenge during the American Civil War.


10. Nelson Mandela – July 18, 1918

Nelson Mandela Person Who Changed the world
Nelson Mandela via

South Africa enforced racial division for a very long time. Blacks were not given the right to vote. When Nelson Mandela was released from prison in 1990, he started negotiations with then-president Frederik William de Klerk. Apartheid ended when, in 1994, multi-racial elections were held. He had a strong determination that anger over the crimes of the past should never motivate future laws and actions. This was his biggest influence on New South Africa. Key to this was his 1995 establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission that investigated historic human rights violations and gave vent to grievances.


9. Mahatma Gandhi – October 2, 1869

mahatma gandhi young the man who changed the world
Mahatma Gandhi – via

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is also known as Mahatma Gandhi is the father of the nation of India. He led India’s independence movement in the 1930s and 40s using non-violent methods and influencing speeches. Gandhi’s non-cooperation movement started in the early 1920s, urged Indians to boycott British goods and traditions and become self-reliant. His most famous protest came in 1930 when Gandhi led thousands of Indians on a 250-mile march to a coastal town to produce salt, on which the British had a monopoly. Proved that one man has the power to take on an empire, using both ethics and intelligence. He has firmly earned a place in the historic events that changed the world.


8. Charles Darwin – February 12, 1809

Charles Darwin man who changed the world

Charles Darwin is remembered as the father of evolutionary thinking and one of the people who changed the world for the better. He experimented that living species were not the same throughout the millennium. Species were the product of a gradual process of change. Darwin said that these changes were driven by natural selection i.e. the survival and proliferation of living beings suited to their condition, to the detriment of those less appropriate. He also spoke about Natural variation in a population that provided suitable things on which natural selection could act. Darwin produced a book called ‘On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, possibly the most important scientific book ever published. Biology would never be the same again.


7. Sir Isaac Newton – 4 January 1643

Sir Isaac Newton - people who have changed the world
Newton – People Who Changed the world for the better – via

Sir Isaac Newton discovered that white light is made up of a spectrum of colors with the help of a crystal prism. He also developed the concept of infinite-series calculus, the kind of scary math studied today by engineering and statistics scholars. Newton also gave his three laws of motion which students struggle with even today. Newton’s wide range of discoveries, from his theories of optics to his groundbreaking work on the laws of motion and gravity, formed the basis for modern physics.


6. Christopher Columbus – 1451, Genoa, Italy

Christopher Columbus  - people who made a difference in the world
Christopher Columbus – via

Christopher Columbus and his crew of explorers were the first explorers to be heralded for their “discovery” of new lands to the west. His discovery undoubtedly changed history by opening up new lands for the European imperial powers to colonize and conquer, signaling the end of western hemisphere civilizations that were pushed to extinction. New products were introduced such as corn, potatoes, tobacco, etc to the rest of the world, and by laying the foundations for the new states of the western hemisphere.  


5. Aristotle – 384 BC, Stagira, Greece


He is considered the founder of the field of philosophy and to some the first scientist, where his work has continued to influence modern thought and ideas. Aristotle likewise expounded on numerous fields and sciences that have affected these investigations right up ’til the present time. Aristotle’s views on ethics and morality became highly influential to modern philosophy. Many of Aristotle’s works didn’t survive because of the different conquests by other dynasties. His surviving works influenced Greek and Roman thought. He had a profound influence on the sciences. He emphasized the ideas of empirical research or observations and also included his ideas of induction and deduction. 


4. Galileo Galilei – 15 February 1564, Pisa, Italy

Galileo Galilei - A man who changed the world
Galileo Galilei

He was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer. Galileo played a major role in the Scientific Revolution. His major achievements involved discoveries related to astronomy, improvements to the telescope, and advancements in physics and science. In 1602, Galileo made his most notable discovery about the pendulum – the period that the time in which a pendulum swings back and forth does not depend on the arc of the swing. His achievements changed the world we live in.


3. Sigmund Freud – 6 May 1856, Příbor, Czechia

Sigmund Freud men who changed the world
Sigmund Freud – via

Sigmund Freud’s work into the world of the subconscious changed people’s perceptions. By acquainting a method with a test, the oblivious personality, Freud gave valuable devices to understanding the secret desires of the majority. Unwittingly, his work served as the precursor to a world full of political spin doctors, marketing moguls, and society’s belief that the pursuit of satisfaction and happiness is man’s ultimate goal. Out of this came a political movement that sought to create new beings free of the psychological conformity which had been implanted in people’s minds by business and politics. However, the American companies soon understood this new self was not a risk but rather their most prominent opportunity. It was in their interest to encourage people to feel they were unique individuals and then sell them ways to express that individuality.


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2. Bill Gates – 28 October 1955, Seattle, Washington, United States

Bill Gates men who changed the world by brining windows - Individuals who made a difference in the world today
Bill Gates – via

On August 24, 1995, Windows 95 was presented to the general population, starting unrest that has helped to mold the innovation world for the following two decades. For possibly the first time, a software launch became a massive global event. The software was a leap forward in graphic design and worked with almost all the hardware on the market, as well as being released with impeccable timing. Not only were home computers becoming rapidly more affordable, but consumers were also beginning to realize that there was more to PCs than spreadsheets. Gates changed the world of technology.


1. Albert Einstein – 14 March 1879, Ulm, Germany

(14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics). Albert Einstein‘s work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science. Albert is best known by the general public for his mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc2 (which has been dubbed “the world’s most famous equation”). He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics “for his services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect”, a pivotal step in the evolution of quantum theory.

people who changed the world for better
Albert Einstein – Know His life, theories, and impact on science


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Everything seems impossible until it is done. Writer @zestvine


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