26 Richest Families In The World & Their NetWorth


Did you know The globe’s richest 1% own half the world’s wealth? These richest families in the world own almost every big business directly or indirectly. The wealth distribution is not at all equal and no matter how much we suffer, we do envy the lifestyle and wealth of these Richies. Talking about the new money, we have tech geniuses and entrepreneurs like Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk. However, some richest families in the world collectively own almost $1.4 trillion.


26. The Lee Family

worlds richest families Lee family
(From left) Jay Y. Lee, Lee Seo-hyun, Hong Ra-hee and Lee Boo-jin. [Photo by Lee Chung-woo]
The Lee Family is benefitted from Technology Industry and has an estimated worth of about $29 billion. Sources say Lee Byung-Chul opened a dry good store back in 1938. Now the family has expanded the business into electronics, hospitality, weapons-making, and insurance.


25. The Pritzker Family

worlds richest families The Pritzker Family

You have heard about the Hyatt Hotel brand, the company is pioneering the Hospitality industry with an estimated worth of about $29.6 billion. Little do you know that there is no Mr. or Mrs. Hyatt. Entrepreneurs Jack Dyer Crouch and Hyatt Robert von Dehn started the Hyatt House in the 1950s. Later, Pritzker Family came into the picture and turned it into a profitable business model.


24. The Kwok Family

Worlds richest family The Kwok Family

The Kwok Family is making their wealth from Real estate and is worth around $30.4 billion. Kwok Tak-Seng emerges as the wealthiest realtor in the formerly semi-autonomous region. It is reported that Kwok’s sons Walter, Thomas, and Raymond were left with $30 billion in inheritance.


23. The Ferraro Family

worlds richest families Giovanni Ferrero
Giovanni Ferrero (forbs)

The Ferraro Family from Italy deals in consumer goods and is worth around $30.5 billion. To expand the profits of a family-owned chocolate shop, Michele Ferrero came up with Nutella in the 1940s. Now, Ferrero’s namesake company makes Nutella, Kinger, Tic Tacs, and Mon Chéri as well. For the record, the Ferraro family is the wealthiest in Italy.


22. The Chearavanont Family

richest families in the world Chearavanont Family
Chearavanont Family (Estimated family net worth: $30.7 billion) | source: thailandblog.nl

The Chearavanont family indulges in Agriculture, manufacturing, real estate, commerce, and the food industry. At present, the company Charoen Pokphand Group is worth around $30.7 billion. It was founded a century ago in 1921. The company controls interests in the Asian food market, and other popular brands like Heineken, 7-Eleven, and Honda.


21. The Newhouse Family

The Newhouse Family is leading the publishing industry and has an estimated worth of about $31 billion. The company started in 1922 and now it sees billions of dollars in annual revenue. The company’s portfolio includes New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Vogue, and other newspapers and magazines.


20. The Rausing Family

The Rausing family is worth around $32.9 billion and the credit goes to their significant work in the Packaging industry. In the early 1920s, Ruben Andersson tried his luck in the packaging industry, and by the end of the 1950s, he founded the food packaging firm, Tetra Pak. Later in the 1980s, the company shifted to the United Kingdom to avoid hefty Swedish taxes.


19. The Cox Family

worlds richest families Cox family
source: forbes.com

The Cox Family has made its fortune by operating in the Communications industry and is worth around $33.1 billion. James M. Cox acquired many media outlets and employs more than 20,000 people in its broadband internet, cable TV, and other divisions.


18. The Quandt Family

The Quandt family operates in the Automotive industry with an estimated worth of around $34.7 billion. Little do you know that Bayerische Motoren Werke (famous as BMW) was around before the Second World War. When Nazis surrendered, BMW went under entrepreneur Herbert Werner Quandt who shapes the business in the best way possible. Today, owning a Beemer confers a status.


17. The Van Damme, de Spoelberch and de Mevius Families

This family from Belgium has an estimated worth of about $36.8 billion working in the industry of Beer and liquor. In the 1850s, a German immigrant Adolphus Busch set us a brewery in St. Louis. For the record, the company was worth $60 million in 1913. In 2008, Anheuser-Busch merged with the Belgian beverage giant InBev.


16. The Johnson Family

world richest families Johnson
source: top10hay.com

The Johnson family deals with consumer products and financial services having a wholesome worth of about $37.3 billion. The Johnson family owns products like Windex, Saran wrap, Ziploc bags, Shout, and Glade Air Freshener. Johnson’s family’s portfolio also includes outdoor craft, attire, and wealth management.


15. The Cargill and MacMillan Families

worlds richest families Cargill MacMillan family
source: cargill.com

The Cargill and MacMillan Families reside in the United States and work in the Agribusiness industry. This family has an estimated worth of $38.1 billion. The annual revenue of the family’s company is more than $100 billion. Forbes revealed that the company’s board is occupied by only members of the Cargill family. However, in total 14 Cargill-MacMillan family members are billionaires. The family also has the distinction of being the family with the highest number of billionaires.

Also see: 10 Worldwide Famous Billionaires With Their Actual Wealth in Figures


14. The Mulliez Family

In addition to being one of the richest families in France, The Mulliez Family is also a big player in the industry of sporting goods. The family lives in France and has a net worth of $38.4 billion. The family has over 7000 stores located in 30 countries. The family made the bulk of its fortune by selling sporting equipment.


13. The Hoffmann and Oeri Families

The Hoffmann and Oeri Families work in the Healthcare industry. The family resides in Switzerland and has an estimated worth of over $38.8 billion. In 1898, Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche founded Roche, a healthcare company, in Switzerland. Today, Roche is a major player in pharma.


12. The Thomson Family

worlds richest families Thomson family

The Thomson family lives in Canada and operates in the industry of publishing and communications. The family has an estimated worth of $40.6 billion. The family also manages hotel and financial services firms. The family formed the company Thomas Reuters megacorporation.


11. The Albrecht Family

The Albrecht Family lives in Germany and mainly operates in the consumer goods industry. The estimated worth of the family is about $41 billion. According to the reports shared by Business Insider, the members of the Albrecht family don’t live flagrantly and love their privacy. The Albrechts rarely agree to give interviews.


10. The Boehringer and Von Baumbach Families

The Boehringer and Von Baumbach Families exercise a huge influence in the healthcare industry. The family resides in Germany and has an estimated worth of $45.7 billion. The family’s company Boehringer Ingelheim group is the second biggest pharma company in Germany. The company has over 50,000 employees and counts among the 20 largest pharmaceutical companies in the world.


9. The Johnson Family

richest families in the world Abigail Johnson

The Johnson Family is from the United States. The family works in the industry of financial services and is reported to have an estimated worth of $46.3 billion. In 2020, the family’s firm made estimated revenue of $21 billion. According to Forbes, the members of the Johnson family own 49% of the world’s second-largest mutual fund.


8. The Wertheimer Family

The Wertheimer family lives in France. The family mainly operates in the industry of consumer products and possesses an estimated net worth of $54.4 billion. During the years between the two world wars, Wertheimer invested money in the brand of a Persian designer Coco Chanel, helping her brings a revolution in the fashion industry. Time proved that investment was highly profitable.


7. The Dumas Family

The Dumas family lives in France and works in the industry of consumer products. The family has an estimated worth of $54.4 billion. The Dumas family is the owner of the uber-chic fashion brand Hermes. The family business of the Dumas family is nearly 200-year-old.


6. The Ambani Family

The Ambani family is from India and chiefly operates in the consumer products industry. The family is reported to have an estimated worth of $81.3 billion. According to Business Insider reports, Mukesh Ambani owns a palace that is 400,000-square-foot in the area and has 27-story.


5. The Al Saud Family

worlds richest families Al Saud
source: mintpressnews.com

The Al Saud family is from Saudi Arabia and exercises a heavy influence in the oil industry. The family is reported to have an estimated worth of $95 billion. Abdulaziz Al Saud founded the kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932. In a very short period, less than a century, Saudi Arabia made its name into one of the world’s wealthiest countries. All of this has been made possible due to the great native natural resource of the nation, oil. The family is popular for using their wealth rather ostentatiously. In the past, the family has purchased gold and diamond cars and golden toilets.


4. The Koch Family

worlds richest families koch family
source: siestapalms.net

The Koch family resides in the United States and owns the Koch Industries. The Koch Industry chiefly operates in the energy and manufacturing industry. The family is reported to have an estimated worth of $109.7 billion. The Koch Family is infamous for using their money to influence political decisions to make more money.


3. The Mars Family

worlds richest families mars-family1
source: celebrityfamily.com

The Mars Family works in the industry of candy and other consumer goods. The family lives in the United States and is estimated to have a net worth of $120 billion. The family’s company Mars Inc. is famous for making a variety of candy items.


2. The Walton Family

worlds richest Walton family
source: top10hay.com

The Walton family lives in the United States and operated in the retail industry. The family has an estimated worth of $215 billion. Every time a person buys something from a Walmart shopper, the already massive fortune of the Walton family increases.


1. Rothschild Family

worlds richest family Rothschild Family

The Rothschild family never come in front to accept or disclose its real wealth to the public. But sources have valued that the net worth of the Rothschild family crosses the $2 trillion mark and it makes the family the wealthiest family in the world.

Trisha Oberoi
Trisha Oberoi
I turned my can'ts into can's and dream into plans and things begin to change. Trisha, an accomplished writer who brings a unique blend of creativity and expertise to the world of entertainment, fashion, and lifestyle. With a deep passion for these subjects, Trisha has established themselves as a prominent voice in the industry. She allure readers with their insightful perspectives and engaging storytelling.


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