Operation London Bridge: Secret Funeral Plans of Queen Elizabeth II


Buckingham Palace officials have declined to comment, either on the leak or the plans.

Leaked documents have revealed for the first time on Friday the extent of the huge operation that will be launched in the hours and days after Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II dies.

When people think of a contemporary royal death in Britain, they think, inescapably, of Diana. The passing of the Queen will be monumental by comparison. It may not be as nakedly emotional, but its reach will be wider, and its implications more dramatic. “It will be quite fundamental,” told by former courtier.


operation London bridge


1. What will happen under the codename “Operation London Bridge” were leaked to Us-headquartered news company “Politico”, The day when will Queen dies refer as “D Day” as per reports.


2. The 95-year-old monarch, the longest-serving in British history, is to be buried 10 days after she dies and her son and heir, Prince Charles, will embark on a tour of the UK before the burial is held.


3. According to the plans, the late sovereign’s coffin will lie in state for three days at the Houses of Parliament, with authorities anticipating hundreds of thousands of people to descend on London – sparking fears over gridlock, policing and even food shortages.


operation london bridge


4. A vast security operation has been planned to manage the unprecedented crowds and travel chaos that are expected in the lead-up to her funeral. One memo warns that London could be stretched to breaking point as hundreds of thousands of people make their way to the UK capital.


5. There will be a supposedly “spontaneous” service at St Paul’s Cathedral, according to Politico, and the new King Charles will tour the four nations of the United Kingdom in the days after her death.


funeral plans of queen elizabeth II


6. The British prime minister and the monarch are said to be in agreement that the day of her state funeral will be a day of national mourning. It will effectively be a holiday, although not described as such.


Buckingham Palace authorities have declined to remark, either on the leak or the plans.

In 2017, ‘The Guardian” distributed a long article uncovering insights concerning Operation London Bridge, which covered how the new King – Charles – will be declared at St James’ Palace in the midst of visiting eminence.


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Traveler & Writer. Love travel, dry red wine, & videos of dogs getting adopted. Sarah is an accomplished writer with a passion for capturing the essence of entertainment, health, and sports. Her diverse background and keen interest in these subjects have made her a sought-after voice in the industry.


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