How to play Satta Matka in 3 Simple Steps?


Satta Matka games have become one of the most played and talked about fun in the online lottery world. As the internet evolved and entered the homes of all individuals, the game became widely popular, and newer versions came into the market. The MAtka lovers from the 90s also got their profound game back which immensely increased the fame of the online lottery game. Nowadays, there are millions of people placing bets on Satta Matka and other lottery games in hopes that it might make them win a huge jackpot. The win against the odds depends on how well you know the rules and how skilled you are with numbers.


Let’s walk you through what Satta Matka is and how you can start playing the game in 3 simple steps!


What is Satta Matka?

The gambling industry in India is not yet being allowed to flourish as it could if the government lifts all the bans. The country gambles off the paper and is still awaiting it to be legalized so that the country could benefit from it at large. Still, several lottery games can be played in India, such as you can safely play Satta Matka at Lottoland. Since the early 1950s, the game has been popular in the Indian market. The Satta Matka game began in India when the people started placing bets on the closing and opening on the rates of cotton being updated from the Bombay Stock Exchange. After some time, the game started having fraud, which drifted the people away from the competition and more good games.


How to begin Satta Matka in 3 Simple Steps?

Being in high demand, the game has many different variations and many different applications. Therefore, you need to follow these three basic steps to begin your lottery journey online.

  1. Many Lotto agents are offering the Satta Matka games, so you must first analyze what they are offering and which one is reliable. Focus on the most popular ones with the most positive reviews. There are many people out there looking for chances to con the newbies and take away their money from, so be very careful about whom to trust. Finalize the website or application which you would want to choose. The best option would be to go for the most reliable Lotto agents, such as Lottoland.
  2. Once you have finalized the Lotto agent, you will have to download the application on your mobile phone and create your account. You would need your details such as name, number, address, and bank details for account creation. Give accurate information to avoid discrepancies when you wish to withdraw your amount. Create your account, and then you are all set to begin.
  3. After creating your account, go through all the games and rules to be followed. Make sure you understand everything in detail so that misconceptions don’t occur. Now deposit some small amount and then begin placing the bets. Do not opt for heavy deposits initially. It would be best if you first learned how to play the game then, only it would be advisable to opt for bigger bets.


How is the Satta Matka game played?

After all the prerequisites are complete and you have deposited the amount, you shall follow the below-mentioned techniques to win the bet. To Satta Matka online, you must first look at the timings of the games and the games being offered, along with the process of payments. Once everything is sorted, you can begin the actual game of numbers as follows.

  1. Pick up any three numbers from the given set of numbers ranging from 0 to 9. For example, you have chosen the numbers 3,5,6.
  2. For increasing the excitement, you will be asked to sum up these numbers. Suppose the sum of 3+5+6=14.
  3. You will have to choose either the first digit or the second one from the sum of selected numbers. If you have selected the first digit, your draw will be 3,6,5*4. This is the first draw.
  4. You will have to repeat the whole process to get the second draw.
  5. Once you have both the draws ready, you are now free to place your bets and wait for your win.
Avid blogger, reader and cricket fan. I write about how to, lifestyle and entertainment.


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