22 Year Old CoronaVirus Patient Amy Shircel Shared Her Story of 12 Days


It’s been drummed into us by the government and the NHS that the primary symptoms of coronavirus include a dry, persistent cough and a fever. But as more and more cases of the highly contagious disease emerge around the world, and medical experts begin to learn more about it, other symptoms are cropping up as likely indicators of a COVID-19 infection.

One such symptom is vomiting, which the World Health Organisation has listed as one of the more “rare” symptoms a patient with a mild case of coronavirus might experience. And that’s exactly what happened to 22-year-old Twitter user Amy Shircel, who took to the social media site to share the way her symptoms changed over the course of her illness.

US-based Amy posted an initial tweet explaining that she had tested positive for COVID-19, and warning that it was a far from pleasant experience. “Take it from me,” she wrote. “You do NOT want to catch this. Hopefully hearing about my experience will help the rest of you to stay home.”

In the first couple of days, Amy describes coronavirus feeling “manageable” as she displayed all the typical signs of the disease – a fever, a cough, chills, a headache, you know the drill. But on day three, the vomiting began.

Some people might dismiss it as “just a virus”, but it’s a life-threatening one (particularly for those who are more vulnerable) and it could affect even the young and healthy in ways you might not have thought. So stay in, and save lives.


Trisha Oberoi
Trisha Oberoi
I turned my can'ts into can's and dream into plans and things begin to change. Trisha, an accomplished writer who brings a unique blend of creativity and expertise to the world of entertainment, fashion, and lifestyle. With a deep passion for these subjects, Trisha has established themselves as a prominent voice in the industry. She allure readers with their insightful perspectives and engaging storytelling.


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